Thursday, July 16, 2009

Nanny Woes

At the moment I am extremely frustrated. I was supposed to start working tomorow, but have had the hardest time finding a nanny or babysitter. I will only be working two half days, and no one really wants those hours. UGH! When I get pissed off, I cook, furiously. After making three Julia Child dishes from Mastering the Art of French Cooking I actually took out my Baking with Agave Nectar book and started putting ingredients to the side to make rasberry chocolate macaroon bars (sugar-free of course). What the hell is wrong with me??? Initially, I attempted to work out using Excercise TV. Either yoga or some punches seemed like a good idea, but the damn thing did not work, so instead I cooked. What pisses me off the most about the "non-nanny" situation is how READY I am to get in the room. Essentially, this is the start of my new career. I forgot how excited I was to help people heal, the feeling of "getting in there", and helping people figure "it" out.
For the past year and a half I have been mom and wife. Working, though it is only about 8 hours a week, made me remember that other part of myself. Once, before I had Maya and Amara I was (sometimes) hot. I had IT (at least sometimes in the right light, with the right dress). My ass was solid, abs tight from hours in the gym, I was a teacher, a damn good one in fact...There is lots of different sides to me now, but I forgot about them. I have been so wrapped up in being mom and wife, I forgot shave my legs, perhaps tweeze and throw on my contacts. I forgot I did Reiki, I knew a thing or two about wellness, healing, life before children. I must remember that before there mom there was Danna, Gordo, DG, D, the one and only...I wasand am somethin' else! All this because I cannot find a lousy nanny. Shit.


Angie said...

You will never in a million years get the quality of care you want for just a few hours a week. But I know a lot of neighborhoods have informal nanny shares - perhaps you can team up with someone/s with full-time care and send the girls over for 2x .5 days. I'd be willing to be that most good nannies or babysitters would be happy for a few extra bucks a week. Have you checked local Craig's List or mommy blogs or something? You could even put a sign up in a coffee shop or My Gym or some place like that. Could be a good way to tap into excellent child care without going full-time!

Erik said...

Thanks Angie...I have not tried craigslist yet, but just joined and got ons of hits. What's cool about teh site is it lets you do background checks and references, etc. I just spoke witha neighbor,s o we shall see. Great ideas...hope you are feeling well.

wardo said...

I protest. You're still hot. So there.