Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Before children I used to work out. The gym was actually my favorite thing about Houston. Is that pathetic? It's called FIT. FIT was heaven compared to the gyms I am used to. It had a sauna and a steam room. Plus, the showers were actually clean and nice. The whole sauna thing was the deal breaker for me. I LOVE saunas. After I worked out I'd go in there, even in the hot, nasty Houston sweat bomb summers. In my head it would be like an Indian sweat lodge. I'd picture all my toxins leaving, meditate, do some Reiki on myself, talk out loud like a crazy person as I said my affirmations...unless some beatch was in there...how Zen of me.

Anyhow, I miss the gym. I miss MOVING. I miss sweating and the sauna. I miss yoga. Some people say they have the time, and that they can do it all, BUT they are LYING (sorry people you are). Sacrifices must be made when you have children. The one thing I miss the most is the gym. God, and that sauna...

In August I started walking with the girls. Walking helped me loose a few of those baby pounds. While I enjoy my walks with the girls I needed a bit more action and release. Whatever I did needed to be convenient and class oriented. I love the camraderie of classes. Plus, it allows me to hang out with adults (important really when you are hanging with 11 month olds all day and have whole conversations saying "ga" or "ada").

Two weeks ago I started going to Nia classes. They are AWESOME. Nia is a combination of dance, tai chi and yoga. It is movement with conciousness to music. I love it. It feels so nice to MOVE and express myself creatively. Plus, it makes me feel like a kid, and helps me release my emotions. Oh, and I am sore. I love that sore feeling after working out hard. I love being sweaty and feeling like I just did something entirely for me. Plus, I think it is helping me fall asleep.

I still walk for about an hour every day with the girls. We go even when it is a bit rainy and cold. It is good for them and good for me too. This week I started using the concepts I have learned in Nia when I walk. I am trying to bring conciousness to the movements in walking through deep abdominal breathing and concentrating on my steps. During the walk I actually picture us walking into good Reiki or light and do some symbols. I can feel the heat rising from the pit of my belly as I take the steps...It feels great. Plus, the girls get to benefit from all the good mojo.

Even though I do not have FIT anymore or the sauna, I am bringing the feeling I have from the sauna to my day. Pretty cool huh?

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